Monday, June 09, 2008

Santa Baby

I started spoon feeding rice cereal to the babies. I do not remember having such a hard time getting the rest of my babies to eat, but it has been, at times, exceptionally frustrating. For example, this absolutely adorable picture, taken (by Claire with the camera she got for her birthday) when I was frustrated to the point of screaming. The only thing left to do then was laugh. I couldn't get her to keep the food in her mouth. Every mouthful became a chinful. I was so tired of scraping of her face and so anxious to have the bowl empty and say I was done that I just kept shoving a new heaping spoon into her mouth that she kept spitting out. She developed a rice beard.

They have gloriously moved on and are successfully swallowing their food. They have been introduced to baby oatmeal now as well and get excited when they see the bowl with the bright colored spoon sticking out of it.

Claire's camera has some special features as well. More of those pictures later.


Unknown said...


You should be TENSE you have 8 kids, a crazy schedule and no money. I wish I had a good suggestion for you, but I don't. a vacation would just make things worse right?

have some chocolate.

Arizona Arnolds said...

So cute! I think Devanie is right you need to come see us up at Mom & Dad's! (I know Devanie was thinking about you visiting her instead.)
I wish I knew about your baby food problems at the time. With Sophie I found this great baby food feeder bottle at Wal-mart & it made my life bliss.

The Woodward Family said...

I'm glad the girls are eating better. Kylie STILL hasn't figured out how to eat without getting ALL over her face. She's 7.

We are always telling her that food is not an accesory.