Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkeyless Trip

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Mike's parents and all of our kids at our house one week early. The "real" Thanksgiving day we spent travelling to Craig and Consie's house in Missouri, not expecting anyone to be there, but Mike's dad was for that day. It was just the babies and I with Mike so we could hang out there while he and his brother Matt went hunting, which they did on Saturday. Mike did a little bit on Friday as well. They did not see a single deer all weekend.

We drove home on Saturday night because we decided after Thursdays day trip with the babies that we would only go nighttime with them from now on. We left at 8 last night and got home at 6 this morning, napped for a couple of hours and got ready for our 1:00 church meetings in our newly remodeled/added on to building.

I just got back from driving another two hours to pick up the kids who have been with their dad all week. I should not have even turned on the computer because I am falling asleep at the keyboard. Mike has already been asleep for 2 hours. But I just wanted to post a picture from the iPhone to see if I liked the picture quality of it on my blog. The one Mike sent me from his iPhone is a horse at his parents house which we might buy. I just tried to post it, but it saved as a zipped file and blogger can't upload it. IPhone picture to blog transfer strike ONE!

(Mike wants me to have an iPhone, but I am a little anti-apple and a lot anti -trend, -spend, and -technology is my friend.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Home Improvement

This week has been busy with evidence. I sewed eight sashes for cub scout patches, 6 102" Drapery panels and 3 valences. This weekend I painted my living room and hung the aforementioned drapes. Because my ceilings are a little bit high and I did not have an adequate ladder, I made good use of my Isaac. Pray that your children will be taller than you. It helps justify slavery. I really appreciated all he did to help, and could not have done it without him.

Claire and Andrew kept the babies occupied all day, which was another key factor in my success. They mostly played outside and made the trampoline into a tent with the blankets Claire and her friend used to sleep on it the night before. See, we live in Texas and this is the time of year when it is good to sleep outside. Before the end of September, it is just too hot and muggy and buggy.

I also started studying for my English Lit CLEP test. I did not do well at all on the practice test, so I have a ton of reading to do. I read Beowolf--out loud to the babies in a Welsh and Germanic accents. They did not listen with rapt attention by any stretch. In fact they tried to get me to stop at times. After a while they realized I would not stop and went about their own business--sort of, you know.

I know you want pictures of my new living room, but that will not be seeing it until I have a working camera again. I guess Devanie takes all her pictures on her video camera. I could do that if I wanted to, I suppose, but that would mean having to learn something new, and English lit has me maxxed out. Sorry. Doesn't mean I love you less. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

What a Treat

Last year I realized too late that I could take my infants trick-or-treating and eat all the candy myself, so I did not take the babies around the neighborhood for something they would get nothing out of. This year they were ready to get the concept of door-to-door beggary.

I dressed them up as---ummmm---winged babies? They wore their orange sherbet Sunday dresses with wings on the back. ADORABLE. One had green wings and the other had orange wings.

They went to the first house with trepidation. Then when they got the candy, the man at the door looked a lot more friendly. They thought maybe they should go in the house and become very good friends. I told them to say "Thank you. Bye bye." I turned them around and walked them to the next house (with a little help from the other trick or treaters (Andrew, Claire, and Mikey). When they got candy again, despite the ugly witch sitting in the chair who gave it to them, they started to catch on. Amelia ran ahead of everyone to the third house--nylon and wire wings bouncing all the way.

Neither of them ever said trick or treat, or anything like it. But they got a sugar rush with daddy before a late bedtime. They are still recovering from lack of sleep. I am disappointed with the candy quality in our neighborhood. Where's my chocolate? Guess I'll have to go hit halloween candy clearance rack.