Friday, June 20, 2008

Good Morning

This is how the babies woke up this morning before their doctor visit. They were in chatting and playing with one another's feet.

According to the doctor, they are in the 75th percentile for height and weight. Amelia is 1/2 inch taller than Anastasia who is 25 inches long, and proportionately heavier at 16 lbs 3 oz. Anastasia was 15'12". I got a physical therapy referral for Anastasia's congenital torticolis. She has a muscle in her neck that is so tight she can't tilt her head toward her right shoulder. If that doesn't work, they will have to surgically cut the muscle to release it. It got that way from her being so low in my pelvis with the pressure of her sister on her so she couldn't move. Because I don't put them on their back to sleep and give them lots of time for independent movement (not strapped into a car seat or the like), Anastasia does not have the flat head that is characteristic of the condition.

Amelia has mastered the walker. She can go anywhere she wants to in it. Anastasia has learned to belly scoot, and she did it right off my bed yesterday morning while I was resting my eyes next to her.

Anastasia has developed stranger anxiety. She goes from nearly smile to wail when somebody gets in her face and says hi that isn't a local family member. She even did it to Grandpa Skembo who was visiting for two days while he was taking care of some airline business. Twins get so much attention--maybe she is tired of it.

Cub Day Camp is over and no summer school on Saturdays. Yea!! maybe I can sleep when the babies do in the morning.

Isn't that a kind of pretty house? Random.


Kim and family said...

That house looks nice and big. I have been in one here that looks like that and I was envious of the size of just the bedrooms!

The girls sounds like they are doing great. Good healthy twins there! Like you needed more appointments though right? Hopefully though therapy will work instead of surgery though.

Arizona Arnolds said...

Is this a house of consideration? I have heard you talk of a bunch of them, but a picture raises it to high statis!