Thursday, April 24, 2008

School Picnic

The kids have been asking for me to bring the babies to school. Now that sick season is over, and since Andrew and Claire had the same lunch time because of a school picnic I put the twins in the stroller and walked to the school. Whew! I am out of shape! It is only two blocks and I was pooped by the time I got back--plus it is really humid today.

I did not get any pictures of Andrew and his classmates, though they were all excited about the babies. Here are some pictures of Claire and her friends with them. Amelia is in the stroller. Anastasia is in Claire's arms. Marissa, on the left of the group picture is twin to Lauren whose head is turned behind Claire.


Kim and family said...

lots of pictures of twins!! Way cute!

Unknown said...

YOu are so great jans! I just have to tell you I love you!