Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pretty Girls

Emylie and the twins were the only kids here over the weekend. This is what they looked like before church. I showed Emylie how to put on her makeup and fixed her hair (wig). Her natural hair is coming in really nicely, and she is not wearing the wig at school any more. She still wears a hat a lot since the hair is very short and patchy. Most of the bald patches have at least some light peach fuzz.

We had a pretty good weekend together. We didn't get to go shopping like she wanted to (because there just isn't much point in it at this point in the pay cycle) but we did go to a friend's for a barbecue where she got to flirt with a boy who is only slightly younger than she is. I miss having her around, but it was nice for it to be just the two of us. She did a good job helping with the babies--especially carrying them, since she and I were the only ones to go to church since Mike had to work.


Kim and family said...

Those two look so identical! They are so cute.

I am glad Emily's hair is coming back.

It had to be awful quiet.

Arizona Arnolds said...

Emily is so beautiful! She looks so different from the little girl we saw last summer. Truely stricking.
The babies are so big I can't get over it!
Do ya'll have summer plans? Mom says we need to "drop by on our way" to Missouri.