Saturday, July 05, 2008

Just the Two of Us (And the Two of Them)

It's been a very sweet weekend. Mike and I have been the only ones here since Friday, noon. He hasn't had to rush into work, or anywhere else for that matter. Most of that time he's been "driving" while I read to him. He is playing Project Gotham Racing 4 while I read Twilight. He gave it to me for our anniversary. We are done reading it now. There are a lot of other useful and productive things we could have done, but we just sat around, reading the book and admiring our silly, noisy, playful, demanding, perfect daughters. They make us laugh. We feel like we should punish them for being so cute, but all we can do is scold them. They insolently giggle at us.

We also watched a couple of movies. Mike went to return them. I fear, for the sake of my future productivity, that he is taking that opportunity to look for the next book in the Twilight series. We enjoyed it, obviously.


The Woodward Family said...

Sounds like a nice weekend. I like the pictures of the girls, even if they are posed. They are just soooo cute!

Unknown said...

Hmm, I promise to read and then comment in a minute, but I wanted to just drop you a public line to say thanks for the Relief Society Blog. I made my first comment today and I'm amazed to feel so a part of something. Maybe I will be able to describe it better in person, so I will try again when I get back!

The Woodward Family said...

What happened to Janika?

Kim and family said...

I was wondering the same thing.

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Great to read up on your cute kids.
Your babies (all 8 of them) are just shmooshy lovable. So glad to hand with you in MO!

Kim and family said...

Hey woman! What happened to those fantastic blogging skills you have developed lately?