Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eh bebe, bebe, bebe! Swing!

At the beginning of my time in MO, the weather was rather warm and mostly humid. We took the kids to the park and they did not enjoy it as much as they might have under different conditions. The babies on the other hand enjoyed it thoroughly.

Lexi, Katie, Claire, and Eva's feet and Jacob in the background--maybe it's Sam, they look ridiculously similar.





Kim and family said...

You must be blogging while I am checking blogs because this one wasn't here a minute ago and now there's more. I didn't recognize Emily down below but she looks darling with the short hair. She wears short hair well. I said this before but when I was little I just looked like a boy. I can just imagine the smell at the dairy. But I am sure the calves and the milk was worth it.

The Woodward Family said...

That doubles one is just too cute! They are getting so big!