Monday, July 28, 2008

Computer is MINE!

My husband went to work today. I finally get the computer back! All that means for you is that we finally have the data transferred to the new hard drives and I can upload my pictures now. Here are a couple of things you missed.

Ha! I just witnessed another milestone! Amelia is sitting up, tipped over sideways, and pushed herself back up. She did it a second time, but she can't do it a third time because she has one leg out behind her. Anastasia sat up by herself for over 5 minutes this morning. She finally went past critical mass and couldn't recover.

I have decided that my babies are identical twins and I'm sticking to it. When people ask if they are, I will not hedge anymore--it only confuses people anyway. There are some distinct differences but I think that is to be expected. They have the same eyes, nose, mouth and dimples. Amelia grows a little faster because she sleeps better. Anastasia wakes up at the slightest sound and won't go back to sleep for a while after ward. They have the same little fingernails. There are no noticable differences in their body proportions. Even though Anastasia has muscular torticolis, which is often accompanied by head malformation, the backs of their heads are strikingly similar. They are round-headed baldies with a strawberry peach fuzz. No that doesn't mean their hair is going to be my color. It will be even less vibrant than my "unenhanced" dishwater strawberry and probably a little darker.

Anyway, there they are.

1 comment:

The Woodward Family said...

I can't tell them I have to agree with identical. But I could never tell your sisters apart either, and it took a while before I could tell my nieces apart if they weren't wearing the right colors. They sure are cuties. Is the one asleep in the bouncer holding the rings?