Well, I love this morning, anyway. I woke up just a little before six and realized it was the first time I had been awake since I went to bed at 11. The babies slept through the night because I left Mike with them for the afternoon while I went to the temple and visited with Arren. He mostly fed them and gave them bottles, and they never took their late nap.
That was a wonderful change from the night before, where I stayed up until 12:30 watching back episodes of Chuck in prep for the new season opener. One-half hour later someone woke up screaming. Two hours later the same someone woke up again, but it wasn't time for another bottle. I could tell she was in pain, but I had given her tylenol at her 2AM feeding. So I just laid on the couch upstairs with her on my chest until she was asleep and secure. Then I couldn't get back to sleep until 6am. They woke up at eight. I didn't like that morning.
That means I lived on 2 2-hour cat naps. I went to the temple in that condition and managed to stay awake the majority of the time. I was impressed with myself.
So far this morning (which is why I love waking up early and rested) I have done some cleaning in the garage, unpacked 3 boxes of girls stuff and started my each-child-has-own-school/art/memorabilia/scrapbook-box project, painted a "desk" and, of course, fed babies, changed diapers, made bottles, danced to Queen with baby, wiped spit up, and even given baths. It is only 1:30. I can still add made lunch for myself and husband, done a blog post and even taken some special time for my honey.
I think it may be time for the babies' second nap. I may take one, but I may be better than that and continue working on my writing project.
What is Genius?
13 years ago
Yay! Sleep! Sleep is such a good thing!
I wish I was a morning person but I love sleep so much more than mornings. I drive myself nuts. I remember when I was little waking up in the morning and never being able to go back to sleep once I was awake. I wish I was more like that now. It is probably because I wake up all night even though babies are not the excuse anymore. Oh well. Hope your day stayed good and productive.
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