Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I am on my home shift while Mike stays with Anastasia in the hospital. She has RSV. They are suctuining out her nose with a vacuum peridically. That is all they can do for her, apart from monitoring. Amelia is fine. She had the runny nose and gook in her eyes last week, but did not get sick like this. This crud is so prevalent that we spent the night in the ER because nthere were no beds in the hospital. We were not able to get a room until 3:00 this afternoon. She will have to be in there until it has run its full course, which may be as late as Friday.

As if I wasn't missing sleep enough. The other big news is, it snowed about an inch here last night. I did not see a flake of it because I was holed up in the hospital. but I told Isaac to take pictures. It stuck a little but the ground was super wet from 2 days of rain.


Jodi said...

A baby sick in the hospital is the worst! I'm sorry. I hope she's feeling much better soon. Give them a squeeze from their aunt Jodi.

Kim and family said...

That is so sad. I hope she gets better right away. That crummy stuff is here too. One of the mom's at the school had her baby in the hospital with RSV for 4 days recently. All the kids at school and in my house are getting sick again.

What! Snow in Texas! We haven't seen it in soo long. I think it has been a little more than a week now.