When people gain weight they start having trouble with joints. I have stairs and my knees are absolutely killing me. I carry 20+% to 40+% of my body weight up and down the stairs 3-6 times a day. It is time for the twins to learn how to walk. They each weigh about 25lbs, and have no chance of getting lighter.
Amelia (I think I already said this) scaled 4 steps the other day. That kind of behavior needs to be encouraged. She is also standing and letting go of things for brief periods of time. No, I am not anxious for my babies to grow up, I just know my limits. I can't carry these two much longer without seriously jeopardizing my physical well-being.
Amelia is also very adept and clapping now. Anastasia can blow properly into a flutophone/recorder instrument, and is now deliberately doing an inhale whistle. She learned how to do it because she always does it accidentally with the tight way she holds her lips and breathes in when she is concentrating. I have imitated it and she has repeated my imitation, proving that she is able to do it consciously. She has my Mariah Carey range and likes the sound of her own voice. She enjoys singing to my Charlotte Church CD with me. Both of them are good at matching pictches. Amelia bounces up and down to the music when it has a good beat or cadence.
Right now (who knows if the pattern will last) Amelia has a tendency towards tidiness when eating her food. She would rather have me put it in her mouth so she doesn't make a mess with it. Anastasia digs in, smears and smushes.
I am sleeping through the night these days. I am not sure if the babies are, but I haven't heard them. A couple of nights their door or mine has been shut, making it difficult to hear them. If they have had trouble, they have been able to deal with it themselves. This is as good a time as any to learn self-reliance. I was wondering if I was ever going to get a full night sleep again. Of course, I still have to deal with a husband who won't go to bed when he should. Speakin' of which, let me see if I can work on that.
What is Genius?
13 years ago
1 comment:
I think that comes with age as well. Maybe you should try a weight training program. Just kidding.
I like my half flights of steps. What is scary is watching babies waver on their feet at the top of the stairs when you are at the bottom.
I am sure the full nights sleep have to be doing you good.
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