The kids are all in school. It has been a year since I woke them all up with my soft voice and kisses to get them off to school. They are used to being at their dad's so they did everything themselves, including get breakfast. We tried to come up with something for lunches, but I really need to do some shopping. It is so nice to have them with me and feel like a full-fledged mom again.
I took Andrew and Claire in to their new school, found out who their teachers were, and showed them their rooms before most anyone else was there because we were not able to go to Meet the teacher night. Andrew has a male teacher, Mr. Wu. I did not get to meet him because he was not there yet. When I told Andrew that his teacher's name was MISTER Wu, he smiled. Like he was excited to be taught by one of his own kind. That should be good for him. Claire's room is just upstairs from his.
Isaac was all set for class. I don't know what his schedule is, but I know he got computer lab for his first class. I am really pleased with that. Emylie, on the other hand, had not been fully registered because the office staff was in meetings all Thursday and Friday. She missed her whole first period class while the tried to get her schedule worked out. She was not able to get PE, but she does have Pre-AP math and English, regular science and social studies, and most importantly, Art. She did not really want a music class, but she ended up getting choir. She was actually excited about that, though because her friend, Megan from church has choir too. I hope they make Emylie an alto. She will do really well with that.
She went to school with no intention of concealing her bald spots, which are quite pronounced. She said she didn't want to hide it, so she wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of questions later. She would rather get it all out of the way right now. She's gutsy.
Oh, when I picked the kids up on Saturday morning and they all saw my hair, the first thing Andrew said is: "She looks sort of like a goth girl." I said: " know, that's why I painted my toes so dark." Crazy kid.
What is Genius?
13 years ago