That's right, double trouble. Anastasia has taken several steps completely on her own, but they are still quite hesitant to walk. Maybe they spend too much time in slippery footed pajamas. When we we hold their hands to have them walk, she says "wakwakwak." But none of that is really any trouble.
The trouble is, our electronic components are all at eye level for them, and they love buttons and lights. We moved the coffee table to in front of them to deter them, but since it is a lightweight bamboo, they have figured out how to push it out of the way. They know now when they are doing something wrong and will check to see if I'm looking before they get into stuff. If they find that I am looking they rush doing whatever troublesome thing they were going t-o do so they get in as much trouble time as possible before I get to them.
Remember, there are two of them. One will be told no and be removed from the place she is not supposed to be and the other one will rush to it and make sure that the rules apply to her to. This is what is commonly known as a tag team. -**-*-* that is Amelia- tou-chi+ng the+8 +-88keyboard while I try to hold Anastastia off and continue typ*ikn*g. Fun game she -thinks.
Now you know why I don't blog so much these days. Today, though I am also starting back to school, so that is one more reason to be on the computer and not blog. I will probably post writing assignments for you on occasion, but my first class is math, so I would++ not expe+*ct to have much of interest to post on that. (The extra baby type is less because- th-e*+y-********************ach- +++++++++++++++ HAD been pulling everything out of the desk drawer.
Love y'all
What is Genius?
13 years ago
Your hands are full, but you know you love it and them both very much!!!!
Again, I get a funny word..."retrust"
I guess I will say good luck because I am sure you will really need it.
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