Greeting cards have all been sent (not by me, of course), the Christmas rush is through. Our delayed Christmas is over with no fanfare. The kids are all here for the whole week. Isaac will be going to the New Year's eve dance and the girls will be going to stay the night with our next door neighbor from Coppell. We will probably play games with the two remaining boys after we get the babies in bed.
I really like New Year's Eve. There's not as much hype as with Christmas, so there is less let-down if it doesn't turn out. As a young person it was great to be able to stay up so late for it. Even though I stay up till midnight pretty regularly, there's just something about New Year's that makes me happy. I like the idea of big get-togethers and organized parties, but if that doesn't happen we can just watch parties on TV.
Maybe it is just all the great memories of playing Monopoly and whatever with friends, or going to the church dances, or there was the year I spent at Disneyland. More recently I went to my friend's anniversary ball and got to party with my husband for the first time. That is one of my favorite memories with him so far.
Then there is the anticipation of the coming year and the sudden (if unfounded) belief that empowering change is possible. I don't know. I just like it. Have a wonderful and blessed new year.
What is Genius?
13 years ago
You spent a year in Disneyland? Wow how did you pull that one off?
wish you could have joined us for games last night.... we missed you! Hope you had a fun new years eve regardless!!
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