Monday, February 11, 2008

Pinewood Derby

Devanie reminded me (via her blog) that I have not mentioned anything about Mikey's first pinewood derby. The father-son project, due to time constraints and son availability became a mother-aunt-cousin project. Sierra, Devanie, and I ended up finishing the car, based on Mike's design. We did not have time to weight it properly, but he had a good looking car and was able to participate. The finnished product was gold with a white racing stripe. Oh yeah, Isaac did the paint job. It was a really great family activity, eh?

Like Devanie said in her blog, Mikey won his first race only. She knows better than I do, though, because there was a mother-daughter YW activity going on at the same time. I was with Lexi. Emylie couldn't come because of how far away she is and being a weekday.

1 comment:

Kim and family said...

Even though we have a house full of girls we have made some popular Pine wood derby cars that get awards for paint jobs. We made a spongebob and patrick car one year. Another year we made a Lightning McQueen and a Mater car. The Mater car won a trophy. I got in an argument with another mom over whether or not girls needed to learn how to make Pine wood derby cars and you guys are exactly why I felt girls should know how to make them. Great job! We just heard about something that is suppose to work on the axles to keep them consistently fast. I will have to follow up on what that is and let you know. We have a family pine wood derby in March.