Monday, February 18, 2008


We decided this weekend to start supplementing the babies' feeding with formula. They can go about 2 hours, sometimes 3 between feedings. but they are becoming increasingly fussy in the afternoon and evening because, we concluded, they are not getting enough to eat. Besides that, I am in pain. The girls have good, strong suction and tight little jaws. Yeah, Jaws, with a capital. I pride myself on my toughness, but it is getting worse. When the latch on, I hold my breath, grit my teeth and want to cry. I guess that just shows how silly stupid I am. Many others would have quit by now. Instead, I continue flogging myself for some holy cause. When I do my one-handed blogging while I am feeding, it takes my mind off it a little, but feeding time is over. But that is a problem too, because once they are on, they don't want to let go. Ouch!@


Kim and family said...

I remember that excruciating ouchiness. My last 3 did that. 2 were tongue tied. I found out with Hannah she wasn't latching on correctly. After the 5th you would think I had it all down. But we found out she was tongue tied and that was why I hurt the way you describe, I was still engorged even after feeding her for after a half hour and she lost almost 2 pounds. I had to supplement Hannah then we just kept doing it. There is some stuff you can put on that helps you heal and covers the rawness and they can still nurse, you don't have to wipe it off. I can't remember what it was called but I found it around the nursing pads and it was an absolute life saver. It is like super thick vaseline but it is something else. How vague is that. That is some memorable pain. I hope you feel relief soon.

Unknown said...

can i just mention instead of soft gums those babies look like they just have a small layer of skin covering TEETH. I'm glad you are giving yourself a well deserved break!!!!!

Yamaha Drummer said...

ROTFL... I love you honey, but your comment about Flogging yourself for some Holy cause killed me. I do believe you have a bit of masachism in you. ;-)

I know what you are talking about Kim. It's Utter Balm and it comes in a green tin. I've heard a lot of women say that it's a life saver. Maybe I'll pick upsome for my honey on my way home from work.

Jodi said...

Lanoline is what Kim is talking about. It's not cheap, but it's worth it! If you are bleeding, boil tea bags (real tea not herbal). Put the warm tea bags over the owie spots. The tanic acid will help kill the pain. If you are engorged, break cabbage leaves under cool water and put them on your breasts. Weird, but they give a great deal of relief! I had a terrible time with Darci and after quite a bit of torture to myself (and probably her) she went on the bottle. My pediatrician reminded me that millions of babies survive on formula. Successful breastfeeding is not a measure of good motherhood. I had one baby who breastfed for 11 1/2 months and one who did for just over a month. They are both fine! Good luck!

Yamaha Drummer said...

Actually it's called "Bag Balm" I love the name...

Kim and family said...

Lanolin!!! That is it! But I know what Mike is talking about too but that is not it. Bag balm is handy to have around though but not lanolin. It's been a while since I had a baby. And that's OK.

Maryanne said...

Use a breast pump. It does not suck as hard and youcan still give them what they want.