Anastasia and Amelia were blessed on Sunday--sort of. Mike took the one I had out of my arms and said "Is this Anastasia? I hadn't looked, but he is good at telling them apart, so I just glanced and confirmed. He blessed her that she would have a strong testimony and be filled with compassion for others. Then his mom beckoned him to her side of the front-row pew to inform him that he had named the wrong baby. "This is Anastasia," She said handing him the unblessed twin.
"Not anymore" Mike retorted. The congregation had no idea what was happening as Mike moved with a sense of hesitation and confusion and consulted with the bishop. Then he Began the next blessing with the next baby the exact same way as the first, name and all. This child was blessed to be strong in the church and serve throughout her life. After the congregation's hesitant "Amen," Mike retrieved the first baby, to be blessed--Baby B, Amelia--and renamed her with the right name. He did not repeat the blessing, as per (I assume) the bishop's instruction.
Both sets of grandparents were there, except Grandpa Skembo was stuck flying a plane to China. We were also blessed to have Aunt Devanie and her 4 kids present. The grandparets left on Tuesday. Only Devanie remains. Monday we all went shopping at Dillard's Clearance Center, which I have developed quite an affection for. The main thing I like them for is shoes. I am just the right size. They don't have a whole lot of size 6, but they have a bunch of 5 1/2 and lower. My mom scored on the size 4, which you really can't find anywhere else.
Mom bought my shoes (2 pair), Mikes mom bought him 3 shirts and a tie, Devanie bought me a shirt to go with the 2 skirts I bought for myself. Dad bought us lunch at the food court. Mom shoplifted for Devanie. She was anxious to leave, so she took Zack in the stroller that Devanie had been using as a shopping cart. Nobody said a thing about when she went out, and nobody said anything when Devanie strolled back in with it.
Tomorrow Devanie and I are hosting an open house for Cookie Lee. I am exploiting my children as a lure for people to come. I invited them to cuddle my babies.
Pictures compliments of Devanie's Camera