Saturday, December 01, 2007


Mike had an interview on Friday at 8AM. By 4PM he had a job offer. He accepted, and he starts on Monday! Just when the bank accounts looked hopeless... It will pay an okay base salary and have some commissions as well. I am really not sure what he will be doing, but it has something to do with doing setups for tech companies at events and conventions. Getting a company to go with his services is, I guess, where the commission comes in. Maybe he will post a blog to correct my ignorance.

He has not heard word back from Microsoft, which he interviewed with on Wednesday. I don't know what we would do if we did get an offer from them. Just because of the benefits, we might withdraw from the other company, but taking their offer right now is much wiser than waiting on the unknown.


Melanie said...

congratulations!! we are both employeed now! ;)

Kim and family said...

Congrats and good luck on the even better prospects.