Everyone keeps talking about the kids getting sick. Devanie was complaining about the doctors always telling her the same thing and charging her $30 (I assume that is a co-pay).
Doctor angst is what turned me to more natural methods of easing disease. I was sick of hearing the same thing from them all the time. When I was pregnant, the only answer was, "that's normal." I was not looking to be part of the crowd. I wanted to understand what was going on. I expected the doctor to be an educator. All they said was, "If it bothers you, take some tylenol." I learned nothing from them.
Now when my kids start to get sick, I give them collodial silver and/or echinacea. Sometimes I have used Sambucol for kids from Nature's Way. I pump them with fluid (just water with a little sodium chlorite, not gatorade or 7 up). For congestion, they get Vicks rubbed on their chest and a vaporizer at night. Saline nose spray a couple of times during the day (with the other things above). I will also do scalp and face massage that I learned in beauty school. Press the pressure points between the bridge of the nose and the eyes, work out in tiny circles with fingertips along the eyebrow and just under it. Work around the eye. Gently bring fingers to the sides of the base of the nose. Hold and press. Move down to the sides of the mouth. Hold and press. I just did a quick search for a diagram to help you visualize.
Andrew is really susceptible to pneumonia. I do this even when it as advanced as wheezing in his lungs. When that happens, I also break up the gunk in the lungs by firmly patting his back with my hand cupped. When he was in the hospital with it, the nurses did that with a thing that looked like a cup with a rubber rim and a knob on the bottom.
When we were children, the doctors told mom what to do with an ear infection (antibiotics were for things like pneumonia and scarlet fever). Put a little alcohol in the ears, plug it with a cotton ball. To loosen up the gunk and ease the pain, apply a hot water bottle (or a warm rag in a ziploc bag).
For fevers, take a tepid bath. It doesn't surpress the bodys immune response like drugs. Devanie and the twins are probably too young to remember mom cramming everybody into the doctors office all at once for a group rate. Mom stopped taking us to the doctor after she realized she was experienced enough to diagnose and treat her children. She, too relized it was always going to be the same thing. If my kids have something that hangs on and keeps getting worse for four days, then I will take them in. I mean, they have to have a high fever that keeps coming back. I don't even give them tylenol unless it is nearly 102. Cool rag on the forehead first. Cool water to drink.
For all lingering illness, or any time a fever gets over 102, a preisthood blessing is a must. One time Claire had a fever and 3 different skin infections at the same time--one bacterial, one viral, and one combination (after sleeping outside and being majorly bitten by mosquitoes). One of those was "untreatable in children" with a 3-6 month recovery time. After a blessing, and some natural treatments, she was clear in three days. (Emylie contracted the 3-6 month skin infection, had no blessing, and had it for a year. I had it for 3 months.)
My kids have no more than 2 sick days a year usually. Emylie has had perfect attendance. I never worry about driking and eating after others--we share germs freely--and the family never takes more than a week to cycle through the sickness. I also never use antibacterial soaps of cleaners. Alcohol and H2O3 do the job fine. I have noticed that the only time we really have a problem is after a weekend of junk food. Those who have been battling sickness, you can expect a resurgence after Hall0ween.
I am not promoting or getting paid for any company's products anymore, so this isn't a plug for myself. I just want my family and friends to be healthy and happy, and I don't want them to throw their money at ineffective solutions. It is what works for me and my cheapskate self. Take it for what its worth. Hope it helps.
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13 years ago