Isaac is the first of my children to suffer a broken bone. He was in the locker room in "pre-athletics" (guess P.E. wasn't good enough) and somehow a kid was messing with the bench, which was not bolted down and it landed on Isaac's foot. He will be on krutches for a while, but he has enjoyed a few days of staying home (his dad's house) and playing the playstation. I haven't gotten to see him since it happened, but he seems to be loving the attention.
Claire has been mothering him the way she does. It reminds me of when I was about her age and my older brother got his feet ran over. I remember a journal entry from that time complaining that I had to be his slave while he recovered. It was a role I took on myself, but apparently grew to resent--under the despotic hand of the woefully injured. I wonder if Claire will begin to feel oppressed.
The kids are with their dad during the week for this school year. Next year they will come out to Dallas to be with me personally. I am really beginning to miss having them around.
I am taking management classes right now, and though Mike is making enough money that I don't really have to work, I am thinking about trying to get a management job at a fast food resturaunt, just for the experience. It is a crazy little hairbrain, but I want to have some immediate application for what I am learning, so that I can really learn it. Besides that, it would give me something to fill in my days.
What is Genius?
13 years ago