This was one of the assignments from my logic class. In a few days I will post my answer. Before then, reply with yours.
Three geniuses stand in a file (one behind the other). Each can see only to the front, so the rear person can see the middle and the front, the middle person can see the front, and the genius in the front cannot see anyone. You have five hats. Two are white, and three are red. You blindfold the three geniuses, who are utterly truthful, and out a hat--at random--on the head of each. Then you hide the other two hats and remove the blindfolds. You then ask each genius to name the color of his hat (which he cannot see). The rear one says "I don't know." The middle on says, "I don't know." Then the front one says, "I know."WHAT COLOR IS THE FRONT GENIUS' HAT??????
Discuss the steps you took in arriving at your decision. Next, discuss ways in which this kind of reasoning can assist you in communicating effectively in your personal life and your workplace.
What is Genius?
13 years ago
Red. . .I arrived at my answer because. . .I'm a Genius! I have no further explaining to do.
Shoot!! That was Me posting that last message.
The only way for the front genius to know what color he has the other two have to be wearing the white ones So he has to be wearing the red one.
The genious waits to give his answer til the other two tell what theirs is. . also glitch in the problem. . .
""""you hide the other two hats and remove the blindfolds. You then ask each genius to name the color of his hat (which he cannot see). The rear one says "I don't know." The middle on says, "I don't know." Then the front one says, "I know."WHAT COLOR IS THE FRONT GENIUS' HAT??????"""""
The front genious gets his answer by asking what color his is.
The answer to the genius puzzle is Red. Any genius knows that you do not wear White after Labor day.
This was one of the assignments in my logic class.
The answer IS red because both of the other geniuses could not be sure what color their hat was. If the first to respond (the last in line) had seen two white hats in front of him, he could have been sure that he was wearing red. But he didn't know for sure, so he didn't see two white hats.
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