Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Goose is Getting Fat

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please put a penny in the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
a hey-penny will do
If you havent' got a hay-penny
God bless you!

And now for something completely different.
My husband just told me he wants to have a whole month where we try Spam recipes. I suggested that we do that the month leading up to Thanksgiving, so that the kids would really have something to be thankful for by the time the turkey came around.

I started a physiological psychology class next week (biology of the nervous system). That has been fun so far. I love hard sciences (as opposed to social sciences). However, I never see myself working in a biological field. That is saying something, because every class I take I want to change my major, and spend the class figuring out ways to use the knowledge I am acquiring in a professional setting. The biological knowledge will be useful in many other fields, but I have never been interested in medicine (nutrition, maybe). The best part of the class is that it is full of psych majors and we all like digging into the brain and playing with the mind.

I am happy it is Christmastime.