Monday, February 27, 2006
Super Leland
This is the young and virile Leland Gibson Lay Jr. Please post the story of our brave hero. We accept fiction, biography, fantasy, or humor. I look forward to reviewing your submissions.
(I tried to edit the photo in 2 different programs, but it wouldn't let me save because the pic is in a read-only format)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Color test
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Fun to do
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Ethics Class
I finnished my Computer class with a high A. I am beating myself up for working that hard. I am trying to be just a B student. My next class, though is Philosophy of Human Conduct (ethics), and it is much easier for me. I get to babble about morality and my beliefs.
Here is a sample:
I can't say I agree with Kant in all aspects of his philosophy because it would take a far more thorough study to determine that, but I fully subcribe to Universalism. There is one set of morals and ideals that apply to all men everywhere in every period of time. Kant argued on behalf of natural law and presumed that its orderliness was evidence of man's ability to be governed by universal order--of his own free will (Oxford Companion to Philosophy p. 438).
"Absolute moral truth must be logically consistent, free from internal contradiction" (Shaw p.23) That to me, means that there is no inconsistency between what you think and what you feel (reason and conscience) and no contradiction with what you do and what you expect others to do. If everyone did these checks "with a sincere heart, and with real intent" we would all come to the same conclusions. In my moral questions, I know I have found universal truth when I find that the answers are consistent and unchanging.
I do not believe that morality is legislated by God. I believe that God is God because he proved himself obedient to Universal Law and has, thus, mastered the elements (power through submission of will--"Nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done"). As we increase our moral capacity, we become more and more like God, and he wants for us what he has for himself--He follows the Golden Rule and is a model of moral consistency.
Friday, February 03, 2006
They're Samwiches, Samwiches
Barely even human
Samwiches, Samwiches
Eat a little more.
I know you wanted to see some pictures, but I haven't taken any in a while, so I found a disk with some pictures that I don't think you have seen. I thought you would like that better than me posting my Ethics class discussion board assignments--I can still to that too if you would like.